Often, low back pain indicates the development of pathology, including the onset of an inflammatory process.If treatment is not started in time, the symptoms will progress and it will be more difficult to restore health. In this article, you will learn about the causes and treatments for low back pain.
Characteristics of back pain
Depending on the nature, pain is classified into 3 types:
Chronicle.A person experiences discomfort during any physical activity - when bending, climbing stairs or twisting the body. During the period of relapses (exacerbations), the pain may intensify and spread to different parts of the body.
Sharp.Occurs when the disc is displaced and is characterized by acute painful sensation in the lower back. Mobility is limited, a person cannot get out of bed, it is difficult for him to walk or bend over.
It hurts.Accompanied by unpleasant sensations that do not disappear for a long time. As a rule, aching pain signals the development of diseases of the kidneys, the genitourinary system. It can also be a symptom of osteochondrosis, spondyloarthritis, spondyloarthritis.

In addition to pain and discomfort in the lumbar spine, the patient may experience accompanying symptoms:
- muscle weakness;
- loss of control over urination and defecation;
- numbness in the legs;
- increased body temperature;
- chills;
- groin / stalk pain;
- violation of the menstrual cycle.
If the discomfort does not go away for a long time and a person complains of several symptoms at the same time, it is important to contact a therapist immediately. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Causes of back pain
There are two main groups of diseases due to which pain syndrome develops in the lumbar region:
Spine problems:
Osteochondrosis.Degenerative-dystrophic disease in which the intervertebral discs lose their flexibility and ability to function normally. The disease can be resolved in the initial stage, undergoing timely treatment. Sharp pains, aggravated by flexion, indicate the progressive development of the disease.

Spondylosis.A spinal disorder in which the intervertebral disc is impoverished and severely tired. The cause of the pathology is trauma and increased stress on the spine. A person with spondylosis has difficulty returning the body. The disease is characterized by a slow course, so the result of treatment is often positive.
Scoliosis.Bending of the spine, which can most often occur during adolescence due to rapid growth. The disease has 4 stages and can appear as pain in the lower back.
Lumbago.Sudden shooting pain in the lumbar spine, in which case a person freezes in an uncomfortable position. Mobility with lumbago is also limited.
Osteoporosis.A serious pathology in which the bone vertebrae become porous, losing their density and elasticity. Lower back pain can occur during weight lifting, changing body positions and other loads.
Systemic joint disease, in which, a person experiences stiffness, soreness and tension in the back muscles in the lumbar region. These unpleasant sensations can intensify at night and cause frequent awakenings. The pain is relieved with movement and physical exercise.

Myofasial syndrome.A fairly common disease that develops due to prolonged uncomfortable behavior or after physical exertion. A distinctive feature is the presence of trigger points (pain) in the lower back or buttocks. When pressed on them, a sharp pain occurs.
Diseases of the internal organs:
Attack of appendicitis.Depending on the functioning characteristics of the human body, the pain may appear on the right side and be given to the lower back.
Inflammation of the kidneys.The main symptom in case of impaired kidney function is an attractive and uncomfortable pain in the lumbar region. It can also be accompanied by the appearance of edema and an increase in body temperature.
PancreatitisWith the development of this disease, a person may experience nausea, vomiting and upset stomach. If the back pain is caused precisely by pancreatitis, the pain does not increase when you palpate the spine.
Cholecystitis.The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium while radiating to the lower back. Lumbago and discomfort in the lower back indicate the involvement of spinal nerve fibers in the pathological process.
EndometriosisA gynecological disease, in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterine wall grow beyond its boundaries. The woman is experiencing pain in the lumbar region.
Mbipesha.Excess weight puts unnecessary stress on the lower back and intervertebral discs. As a result, they deform and collapse. A person feels discomfort when walking for a long time or climbing stairs.
Oncology.Low back pain can occur if there is a benign or malignant tumor. It "absorbs" too much calcium, there is a deficiency in bone structures, they become thinner.
Physiological causes of back pain
Hypothermia. Prolonged exposure to fresh air in cold weather can provoke numbness in the lower back. At the same time, the discomfort increases when you bend over, move, and turn. Sometimes it can give in the legs or buttocks.
Critical days. During the menstrual cycle, about 50% of women experience uncomfortable and attractive sensations in the lower abdomen, which extend to the lumbar region. As a rule, the anxiety disappears after the end of the cycle.
Excess load. Extreme weight gain and excessive stress in the lumbar region lead to painful sensations.
The roof. During menopause, the level of estrogen, a hormone that regulates recovery processes, decreases in a woman's body. Bone tissue loses its ability to fully recover. They become fragile.
Inappropriate shoes. Wearing high heels and tight shoes will compress the blood vessels in your feet. As a result, low back pain occurs.
Lack of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise contribute to chronic low back pain. Muscles atrophy and lose their natural elasticity.
First, the doctor interviews and examines the patient. It describes the passage of a general chemical analysis (donation of blood and urine). To get an overview and rule out serious pathological changes, it is recommended to go through:
c TA modern diagnostic method by which you can detect the development of pathology at an early stage. It clearly visualizes all bone structures.
MRI.Indicates the condition of soft tissues and cartilage. Also, with the help of MRI, tumors, intervertebral hernias and changes in blood vessels are diagnosed.
X-rays.Provides information about changes in the bone structure of the spine, indicates the presence of bruises, microcracks and helps to detect pathologies of the spine.
Ultrasound.Allows you to determine the condition of internal organs, as well as to detect inflammatory processes.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. If necessary, he offers to be examined by other specialists: gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist.
How to cure low back pain
Treatment methods depend on the disease and are described individually. As a rule, complex therapy is more effective. They usually recommend:
- avoid heavy lifting;
- take B vitamins and calcium;
- use a support bandage;
- swimming, more exercise or taking a medical gymnastics course;
- take corticosteroids to relieve severe inflammation (as instructed by a physician);
- muscle relaxants to relieve spasms.
Depending on the cause of the illness, the doctor may prescribe bed rest or, conversely, an increase in physical activity. For example, if the nerves are suppressed, passive rest is recommended. For some muscle spasms, do moderate massage and exercise. Also, treatment methods include:
Physiotherapy.Includes a number of methods of physical impact on the affected area. With its help, microcirculation is improved, edema and spasms disappear, and it is also possible to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect.
Manual therapy.A type of alternative medicine used to treat the musculoskeletal system. The specialist finds the place where the nerves are pulled and helps the spasmodic muscles to relax. It also tones those places that, on the contrary, are very relaxed.
Acupuncture.Helps relieve pain through the use of special needles. They are injected into active points in the body and spine. The muscles are relaxed and the lower back becomes healthier.
When conservative therapy fails, it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon. Most often, surgery is prescribed for intervertebral hernia, which led to spinal cord injury and the appearance of radicular pain.
What to do about severe back pain
For acute back pain that cannot be tolerated, the patient is given a blockade. A procedure in which a doctor injects a pain reliever into an area where pain occurs or where a nerve fiber is passing. This radical method temporarily relieves pain. In addition, a specialist may prescribe antibiotics, immunomodulators, and chondroprotectors.
With severe back pain, do not self-medicate or tolerate. This can lead to fatal consequences, including disability or death.
Prevention and prognosis
Try to maintain a balance between work and play. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity are the main causes of back pain.
If you work at the computer or drive all day, try to find time to exercise or walk. It is not necessary to spend two hours in the hall. You can choose a possible exercise from yoga, fitness or Pilates and do it at home.
Keep weights in your backpack. This will help to evenly distribute the load on the spine and not tear it. When lifting something heavy, bend your legs, not your back. If you must reach from above, use a ladder or chair.
Do a massage. Visit a massage therapist twice a year and undergo a massage course of at least 10 sessions. This will help relieve muscle spasms and promote overall health.
Get an orthopedic mattress and pillow. In a dream, a person spends ⅓ of his life. Make sure you feel comfortable and completely relaxed during this time. Buy products at an orthopedic salon after consulting with a seller.
In order not to harm yourself, be careful with the methods of traditional medicine and self-medication. If you need specialist help, you can contact our clinic. To schedule an appointment, leave a request or call.