Back pain is a problem that most people do not pay proper attention to until the situation becomes critical. But timely treatment of back pain significantly reduces the risk of developing chronic back diseases, among which osteochondrosis occupies a special place.
What is osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects the tissues of the spine, as a result of which deformity of the spine occurs (a disease of the intervertebral discs and the spine as a whole). As a result, the spine loses its ability to suck, intervertebral discs become thinner, and in the future they may swell or tighten, leading to the development of complications such as disc herniation and so on.
The main risk of spinal osteochondrosis lies in its latent course. Most often, it is diagnosed in patients already in the final stages, when severe pain caused by complications does not make it possible to lead a normal life.
Reasons for development
There are many theories that explain the occurrence of spinal disease, including heredity, hormonal disorders and vascular problems. However, none of them give a clear explanation as to why osteochondrosis of the spine occurs.
Let us highlight a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis:
- spinal cord injuries - congenital or acquired;
- inheritance;
- overweight, poor metabolism;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- age criterion;
- flat feet, curvature of posture, underdevelopment of the muscular system;
- work associated with heavy loads on the back;
- incorrect distribution of load on the back during training;
- bad habits, unbalanced diet;
- wrong choice of shoes, frequent wearing of high heels (in women);
- environmental factors - high humidity, very low temperatures, etc.
Stages of development of osteochondrosis
There are different stages in the development of osteochondrosis, due to different symptoms and sensations. The disease progresses slowly, and the signs of this disease are formed for a long time. Determining the stage of development allows doctors to design an effective treatment plan for the spine.
- The first phase.There is a compression of the spinal disc, the hook-shaped processes increase. During this period, patients feel discomfort during physical exertion or being in a position for a long time (sitting, standing, lying down). Treatment of osteochondrosis includes the use of decongestants, antihistamines and pain relievers, chondroprotectors.
- Second phase.The cartilaginous structures of the spine become unstable, the distance between the intervertebral discs decreases, the holes narrow. This development of the disease leads to suppressed nerves and severe pain. According to statistics, it is at this stage that patients first visit a doctor with complaints. Doctors prescribe treatment - manual therapy, pain reliever, physiotherapy.
- The third stage.Changes in the structure of the spine and intervertebral discs are pronounced. Almost complete closure of the holes between the discs leads to the appearance of an intervertebral hernia. It will be possible to eliminate the painful sensations in osteochondrosis not only with the help of medication but also through surgical intervention.
- The fourth stage. The last stage flows very quickly from the third and is the most dangerous (final). In this case, patients are unable to move normally. Osteochondrosis is treated with constructive methods.
Symptoms of the disease
The main symptom of spinal osteochondrosis is pain of varying intensity and character. However, in addition, each type of osteochondrosis manifests itself in a number of characteristics.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by:
- headaches that do not respond to treatment;
- dizziness, weakness, fainting;
- a feeling of stiffness in the shoulder girdle;
- pain in neck, arms;
- visual and hearing impairment is possible.
Thoracic spine:
- pain in the chest and shoulders, significantly worsened after physical exertion, hypothermia and during sleep;
- shortness of breath (pain in the chest area during inhalation-extraction);
- frequent "chills" on the skin, poor blood circulation leads to frequent freezing of the limbs.
Waist spine:
- aching back pain, aggravated after exertion;
- periodic outbreaks of acute pain radiating to the legs, pelvic region;
- limited luggage mobility;
- reduced sensitivity of the lower extremities (in the final stages).
Any of the symptoms listed should be a reason to seek medical attention. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier and more effective the treatment will be.
Before learning about natural spinal disease, you should visit a doctor in order to undergo an examination. Note that osteochondrosis in the early stages can be confused with other diseases. This is why it is so important to have a thorough spinal examination.
Diagnosis begins with the collection of anamnesis - the study of patient complaints, acquaintance with the history of the disease. Next, a physiological examination is performed:
- feels a painful area of the back;
- the patient's gait, body position is assessed;
- the amount of movement is determined;
- a visual examination of the skin is performed - the presence of skin, redness, rashes;
- the sensitivity of back pain is controlled;
- areas of pain localization are determined.
The patient is safely sent for an X-ray of the spine. Also in practice, the study of the spine using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used. Photographs from these devices will help to examine not only the intervertebral discs and their position, but also to determine disc height, compression of nerve endings, and marginal growths.
Which doctor should I go to?
If you have already been diagnosed or suspected of having osteochondrosis of the spine, you should schedule an appointment with a neurologist and chiropractor.
Early diagnosis of osteochondrosis disease of the spine is the key to its successful treatment. It is possible to identify osteochondrosis with a comprehensive examination by a physician. After consulting your doctor, you will be examined and then referred for CT or MRI. The specialist will determine the location of the back pain and prescribe a course of treatment.
Treatment with surgery for osteochondrosis is justified in the later stages of the disease, if necessary to treat complications (hernia) or in case of a threat to the bone marrow. In other cases, conservative treatment is recommended, including:
- physiotherapy (magnetic and laser treatment, vibration massages, spinal traction);
- physiotherapy exercises;
- massage;
- manual therapy.
Exercise therapy, exercise and gymnastics
Moderate and correct physical activity with osteochondrosis of the spine makes the body more elastic. All exercises are specially created to strengthen the muscles of the spine for a more effective treatment.
Elastic and strengthened ligaments do not allow the vertebrae to move during daily movements. Also, physical activity normalizes metabolism, which has a positive effect on cartilage tissue regeneration. Doctors recommend gymnastics and exercise therapy to treat patients with a diagnosis such as osteochondrosis.
Medication treatment
The use of medication may be of a different nature for osteochondrosis. Depending on the stages, the type of osteochondrosis of the spine, the nature of its symptoms during treatment, doctors may prescribe different medications:
- analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief;
- antispasmodics to eliminate muscle spasms;
- preparations for the restoration of cartilage structure;
- means to improve blood circulation and normalize blood vessels;
- antioxidants.
The proper direction of treatment is determined by the attending physician and provides for a systematic and comprehensive approach. It is extremely dangerous to engage in self-medication, rely on acupuncture, dubious massage therapists and chiropractors who do not have the right qualifications. This will not speed up the healing process in any way, and can also lead to serious consequences, which will be very difficult to fix.
To avoid this, it is enough to think in time about the prevention of osteochondrosis. Regular sports, swimming, running. Reviewing your diet - reducing salt intake, eating foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals will also significantly reduce the risk of developing osteochondrosis.
Ointments are used in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. They are combined with other medicines. They are effective for local treatment and pain relief. Specialists prescribe warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic oils, chondroprotective agents that help restore damaged cartilage tissue.
Doctors prescribe injections to quickly relieve pain in compression syndrome (crushed nerves). In this case, the patient cannot move normally without relieving the pain. Injections are prescribed during relapse, when treatment with oils and tablets becomes ineffective. With this manipulation, the necessary nutrients are quickly delivered to the affected area and contribute to effective treatment.
Diet treatment
Diet is part of the therapy that makes coping with osteochondrosis easier and faster. The diet does not require strict restrictions, but the patient will have to review the menu. It is recommended to avoid harmful, very salty and fatty foods. Better it is better to eat often and in small portions (5-6 times a day). Products for treatment must be saturated with:
- magnesium- avocados, seaweed, cucumbers, bananas, dried apricots, beans, oatmeal;
- calcium- eggs, seeds, nuts, dairy products, beets;
- phosphorus- broccoli, cabbage, hard cheeses, cottage cheese, figs, dates, seafood, fish;
- vitamin B- red meat, milk, seafood;
- vitamin A.- potatoes, carrots, apricots, peaches, tomatoes, green peas;
- vitamin D- sea fish, hard cheeses, eggs, beans, butter;
- vitamin C- citrus, sauerkraut, hips, rose, buckthorn, black currant, bell pepper.
Surgical intervention
Doctors prescribe an operation for osteochondrosis in case conservative treatment is not effective. Indications for surgery may be:
- loss of sensitivity of the leg muscles or their progressive weakness;
- large spinal hernia;
- a sharp narrowing and tightening of the spinal canal;
- situations where osteochondrosis of the cervix carries the risks of developing a stroke;
- the presence of a risk of leg paralysis.
Acupuncture is prescribed in the presence of dangerous intervertebral muscle pain. By acting on the acupuncture points, the doctor relieves tension and tightness, edema and improves blood microcirculation.
Possible complications
Spinal osteochondrosis does not only cause pain and discomfort. He also has a number of negative complications, the most common of which are:
- hearing problems;
- frequent migraines and headaches;
- deterioration of vision;
- radiculitis;
- dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
- infertility;
- development of an intervertebral hernia.
Is it possible to fully recover?
With effective treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, it is possible to avoid disease progression and its recurrence, relieve tension, strengthen muscles and normalize metabolic processes.
Prevention methods
If you take care of your health first, you can avoid the questions: "What is osteochondrosis? What are the causes, symptoms and methods of treating it? "
Effective preventive methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine are:
- correct workplace organization - comfortable orthopedic chair, sufficient lighting, acceptable table height;
- the place to sleep should be as comfortable as possible - an orthopedic mattress, pillow;
- it's worth checking your posture while in front of the computer, walking (do not touch);
- balanced and healthy food;
- systematic physical activity - running, exercise, gymnastics, swimming;
- back massage procedures.